Sunday, April 20, 2008

Biannual post

The body part picture was Molly's production from school. She proudly brought it home and showed me where the kidneys and bladder (and other parts) were. She was very surprised to learn that there are kidney doctors and even more so that I am one of them.

Afton made a little snowman (she likes anything and everything little). She then used her foot-in-the-door technique to get me to bring it in the house, then to the kitchen table where she ate it for dinner.

"Sizzle," or hot brownies in milk, an old mission tradition that has become a Sunday staple.

Sariah has a thing for things that crinkle, like newspaper.

This is our biannual post so I guess we're covered until October. The pictures are in no particular order.

The cabin

The cabin

The whole gang

The whole gang



Lounging at the cabin

Lounging at the cabin

Bay Lake beach

Bay Lake beach

Canoeing 101

Canoeing 101